How to defrost cheese? 5 ways

Freezing cheese can cause texture loss, but it can still be used in cooking without issue. Thawing frozen cheese can be tricky, so it’s best to incorporate it into baked dishes or soups and sauces. If you need to thaw frozen cheese quickly and aren’t cooking with it, refrigeration is the best method, though it may take up to two days fully thaw it. But what if you’re in a hurry?

How to defrost cheese in several ways

To defrost cheese, there are different methods available depending on the type of cheese and your time constraints. Here are some ways to defrost cheese:

1 Ways: Defrost cheese in the refrigerator

To preserve the quality and texture of cheese, defrost it in the refrigerator. This method is recommended and safe. Here’s how to do it:

  1. To keep cheese fresh, put it in its original packaging or an airtight container. If it isn’t already airtight, wrap it in aluminum foil to prevent moisture loss or odor absorption from the fridge.
  2. To thaw cheese, find a consistent temperature of 35-40°F (1-4°C) in the refrigerator. Avoid putting it in the door, where the temperature can change often.
  3. Cheese should be thawed in the refrigerator for several hours to overnight. The time it takes to thaw depends on the size and type of cheese. Soft and small cheeses may thaw within a few hours, but larger or harder cheeses may take longer.
  4. Thawed cheese should be used within a few days and not refrozen. Refreezing can compromise its texture and quality.
  5. To avoid consuming spoiled cheese, check its texture, aroma, and taste before using it after thawing. Look for any signs of spoilage, such as off odors or mold. If you detect any of these signs, discard the cheese.

Soft cheeses like Brie, Camembert, Stilton, cream cheese, and milk and low-fat versions are delicate and can lose texture, flavor, and quality when thawed. This is because of their high moisture content. To preserve their texture and flavor, it is best to thaw them in the refrigerator.

When cheese is frozen and thawed, its texture and moisture content can change. This means that thawed cheese may feel different from fresh cheese. Nonetheless originally frozen, thawed cheese is still useful in cooking. You can melt it in dishes or grate it for toppings on pizza, salads, and sandwiches.

2 Ways: Defrost cheese in the microwave

Defrosting cheese in the microwave is not ideal as it can alter its texture. However, if you’re in a hurry, there are steps you can take to defrost cheese quickly.

  1. Check the packaging. It should be intact and airtight. This helps keep moisture in during defrosting.
  2. To microwave cheese, use a bowl or plate that is safe for the microwave.
  3. When cheese is in plastic, keep it wrapped tightly to retain moisture. This can be done with the original plastic bag it was frozen in.
  4. Heat the cheese in the microwave on low to medium power for short intervals of 10-20 seconds. Avoid overheating or cooking the cheese.
  5. Check the cheese after each interval for thawing progress. If it has softened and thawed, stop microwaving. If not, continue with short intervals until it’s fully thawed.
  6. After thawing the cheese, let it cool for a bit before handling or using it in recipes.

Soft cheeses, such shredded cheese such as Brie or Camembert, should not be cooked after being thawed in the microwave. This can cause them to become too soft and gooey.

Not all types of cheese can be thawed using the microwave method, and the outcome may differ based on the cheese type and microwave wattage. It’s recommended to use this method as a last option and follow food safety protocols to ensure safe and high-quality thawed cheese. Other methods to freeze cheese, like thawing in the fridge or cold water can help maintain the cheese’s texture and taste better.

3 Ways: Defrost cheese in water bath

Thawing frozen cheese can be done with water bath defrosting. Put the cheese in a freezer bag or container and place it in a larger bowl of cool water. If the cheese is not in a bag or container, put it in a bowl that fits inside the cool water bowl. Change the water periodically until the block of cheese is completely defrosted. If it takes longer than an hour, move the cheese to the refrigerator for thawing.

Can you use warm water to defrost frozen cheese?

Thawing cheese in warm water can take 20 to 60 minutes. The type and size of the cheese can affect thawing time. Soft cheeses thaw faster, while harder cheeses take longer. Use lukewarm water to avoid cooking the cheese.

4 Ways: Defrosting cheese on the counter

Thawing cheese at room temperature is possible for some hard cheeses. This is also known as defrosting hard cheese while on the counter. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Take the frozen cheese out of the freezer. Place it on a plate or tray to catch any excess moisture. This may be released during thawing.
  2. To avoid uneven thawing and preserve the quality of the cheese, choose a spot on the counter that is not exposed to direct sunlight or heat. Heat can have a negative impact on the cheese’s texture and taste.
  3. Thaw the cheese on the counter for three hours or until it’s thawed to your liking.
  4. After thawing cheese, it should be used within a few days. Refreezing is not recommended because it may compromise the texture and quality.5 Ways: Thaw frozen cheese using the ovenDefrosting cheese in the oven is not recommended. It can lead to uneven thawing and loss of flavor and texture. However, if you still want to defrost cheese in the oven, follow these steps.
    1. Set your oven to a low temperature, like 150°F (65°C). Use the lowest setting available on your oven if necessary. This is called preheating.
    2. Put the frozen cheese on a baking sheet or in an oven-safe dish.
    3. Place the cheese in the oven that has been preheated and allow it to thaw gradually. Keep an eye on the cheese regularly to track its progress. The thawing time can differ based on the cheese’s size and type.
    Using a high temperature can cause cheese to melt or lose its texture, so it should be avoided.

How to quickly defrost frozen cheese?

If you need to thaw cheese quickly, the microwave on a low power setting may be fastest. However, be cautious and monitor the cheese closely to prevent texture or quality changes. For safe and optimal thawing, use the refrigerator or cold water bath methods.

Сan freezing cheese change the flavor or texture?

Freezing cheese can alter the texture change its taste and texture. Ice crystals can form from moisture in the cheese, affecting its flavor and texture. Some cheeses may become crumbly or grainy after being frozen and thawed, changing their original texture.

Cheeses that are hard and firm freeze and thaw better than soft and delicate cheeses. Cheddar, provolone, and gouda are examples of hard cheeses. Ricotta and brie are examples of soft cheeses. Harder cheeses have a firmer texture and lower moisture content, which makes them more suitable for freezing. They are less likely to become too soft or liquefy during thawing.

For better taste and texture, wrap cheese tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to avoid freezer burn. Thaw cheese gradually in the fridge to control the process and minimize changes in taste and texture.

What is the shelf life of cheese in the freezer?

Cheese freezing times vary depending on the type soft cheese and moisture content. Hard cheeses freeze better than soft or high-moisture cheeses. After 6 to 9 months in the freezer, the texture and taste may deteriorate. Labeling your cheese with the freezing date is a good practice to keep track of storage time and ensure the best quality.

Freezing cheese can alter its texture, so it’s better to use it for cooking instead of consuming it after thawing. Fresh cheeses spoil faster than aged ones or those with higher salt content, like Parmesan or feta. Moisture and salt content impact cheese’s shelf life and susceptibility to spoilage or mold growth.


When thawing cheese, the type of cheese and its intended use in cooked dish should be taken into consideration. While microwave thawing is quick, it may not always result in the best quality cheese. Slow thawing in the refrigerator or using cheese directly in recipes without thawing can often yield better results in terms of preserving texture and taste.

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